Find Your Calling w/ Terry Ayzman

California's 1st Gen Z Legislator, Assembly-member Alex Lee

Episode Summary

CA's 1st Gen Z legislator — its youngest in 80 years — UC Davis graduate Alex Lee, is slated to be sworn in by the Golden State's lower legislative chamber tomorrow. Before voters officially crown him "Assembly-member," he sits down with the "Find Your Calling" pod to spill the tea on corporate money in politics, the most frustrating aspects of the campaign trail, and his unlikely ascent from Capitol intern to Sacramento politico. He's 25 years old but commandeers important subjects like he's been traversing the political waters for a substantial amount of time. Whether your politics align with his or not, listen to his rationale & share your thoughts! To learn more about his policy planks, head over to his Twitter & campaign pages. Twitter handle: @VoteAlexLee2020 Website: